2025 Category 1 - IA_Transport

This bidding process falls under the USAC (Universal Service Administrative Company) E-Rate program and is filed under FCC Form 470 #: 250016914 (LCSD_FY2025_C1_IA_Transport).

The bidding window officially closes at 11:59pm (PST) on 2/21/2025.  Bids after this date will not be accepted unless we receive written notice (email, letter, or fax) requesting an extension before 11:59pm (PST) on the closing date (2/21/2025).  Those requesting extensions must have their bid submitted no later than 11:59pm (PST) 2/28/2025.

Bids can be submitted in-person or by email, mail, or fax.

Qualifications, procedures, and directions for reviewing the Lebanon Community School District #9 Form 470 can be found at the following USAC website: https://www.usac.org/e-rate/service-providers/before-you-begin/.

Direct search of FCC Form 470s: https://data.usac.org/publicreports/Forms/Form470Rfp/Index. (Billing Entity Number: 144952)

Documents attached at bottom of page


**Any additional documentation that is added during this bidding process will be posted here and attached at the bottom of this page.**

(Updated //2025)

Questions and Answers/Clarifications:

**Any questions and answers  and/or clarifications that are posed during this bidding process will be added here**

(Updated //2025)




