E-Rate 2018-19

This bidding process falls under the USAC (Universal Service Administrative Company) E-Rate program and is filed under FCC Form 470 #: 180001382.

Qualifications, procedures, and directions for reviewing the Lebanon Community School District #9 Form 470 can be found at the following USAC website: 


Direct search of FCC Form 470s: 


Documents attached at bottom of page


**Any additional documentation that is added during this bidding process will be posted here and attached at the bottom of this page.**

(Updated -/-/-)

Questions and Answers/Clarifications:

**Any questions and answers  and/or clarifications that are posed during this bidding process will be added here**

(Updated 1/17/2018)


Question: Could you fill in details about the network topography you are looking for? Do you want your schools on a fully meshed network or more of a hub and spoke arrangement? Bandwidth needs on the links to the individual schools?

Answer: We want all schools to terminate in a hub and spoke connection back to our datacenter in the Lebanon High School (1700 S. 5th St, Lebanon, OR 97355).  We are looking for connections for the following schools/locations.

a.) Hamilton Creek (32135 Berlin Rd, Lebanon, OR 97355) – Speeds 100 Mb tiered up to 1 Gb.

b.) Land Lab (31000 Land Lab Rd, Lebanon, OR 97355) – Speeds 100 Mb tiered up to 1 Gb.

c.) Lacomb (34110 E Lacomb Rd, Lebanon, OR 97355) –Speeds 50 Mb tiered up to 1 Gb (or highest speed available for a given connection if max speed is lower than 1 Gb).


Question: How long of a contract are you seeking for the school connections?

Answer: We are seeking a 3-year contract.


Question: Are you looking at a point-to-point wireless or lit-fiber option?

Answer: We are looking at either.


Question: Would a transition contract be an option to allow a vendor to transition from providing one type of connection (ie. Point-to-Point wireless) to another type of connection (ie. fiber)?

Answer: Yes, this would be acceptable.


Question: One of your sites has an internet connection that needs upgrading but has a year left on the contract.  Are you willing to break the contract early?

Answer: This will depend on whether the current contract holder is willing to allow us to break the contract.  We will evaluate bids and then decide whether we need to proceed with a request to break our current contract.