E-Rate 2017-18 Wireless and Cabling Upgrade RFP

The Lebanon Community School District #9 (henceforth referred to as the "district") is soliciting competitive sealed proposals for the following:

We will be accepting bids for one or both parts.

This bidding process falls under the USAC (Universal Service Administrative Company) E-Rate program and is filed under FCC Form 470 #: 170058172.  

Qualifications, procedures, and directions for reviewing the Lebanon Community School District #9 Form 470 can be found at the following USAC website: 


Direct search of FCC Form 470s: 


**IMPORTANT NOTICE: Mandatory Wireless Site Survey & Pre-bid Walkthrough Tours: February 3 - March 17, 2017; 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM; Monday-Friday Only. Participation in a wireless site survey/pre-bid walk through tour is required in order to be eligible to submit a proposal to this RFP.

Request for Proposal (RFP): - Documents attached at bottom of page

    RFP - Additional Technical Documents: 

    RFP - Forms and Other Documentation



      ■ Filing of Form 470 and Wireless and Cabling Upgrade RFP

● February 3, 2017

Mandatory Walk-Through

● Depending on which part bidding, vendors are required to schedule and perform a mandatory:

Part 1: Wireless Upgrade - Bidders must perform a wireless site survey of all locations (except City Justice Center)


Part 2: Cabling Upgrade – Bidders must do a pre-bid walkthrough tour of all locations (except City Justice Center)

● Site Survey and Pre-bid walkthrough tours to be conducted between February 3rd and March 17th, 2017 ; 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM; Monday-Friday Only. Vendors must schedule through Peter Klingler, peter.klingler@lebanon.k12.or.us , 541-259-8934.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Mandatory Wireless Site Survey & Pre-bid Walkthrough Tours: February 3 - March 17, 2017; 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM; Monday-Friday Only. Participation in a wireless site survey/pre-bid walk through tour is required in order to be eligible to submit a proposal to this RFP.


Close of Bidding Window

● Monday, March 20, 2017 at 1:00 PM (PST) 

■  Award of Contract / Signing of Final Contract

● Within 60 days of the close of bidding window

Filing of Form 471

● Estimated April 2017

■  Implementation of Network Upgrades based off of signed contract timeline

● Estimated desired completion of purchasing, implementation, testing, and training stages is October 2017 - September, 2018. 

● A final timeline with clearly defined deadlines for the pre-engineering, configuration, implementation, testing, and training stages, along with penalties for failing to meet these deadlines, will be negotiated in the final signed contract with the winning bidder.


**Any additional documentation that is added during this RFP process will be posted here and attached at the bottom of this page.**

(Updated 3/3/2017)

Questions and Answers/Clarifications:

**Any questions and answers  and/or clarifications that are posed during this RFP process will be added here**

(Updated - 3/17/2017)


Question:  What is a number we can use to estimate simultaneous device usage per classroom at the elementary level?

Answer: 30 simultaneous devices per classroom


Question: Do we need to provide wiring to the outside for cameras mounted on the outside of buildings or facing outdoors or is it okay to terminate inside and use a patch cable to terminate outside?

Answer: In most circumstances, cable runs should be terminated inside near the camera's outdoor mounted location.  Cabling should then be extended to existing cameras with an outdoor rated patch cable.  Wiring for new camera locations do not need to provide a patch cable.


Question: Should current cameras mounted inside windows facing outside, be re-wired to be mounted outside?

Answer: Cable runs should be terminated inside and an outdoor rated cable provided to allow the district the option to re-mount the camera outside.


Question: Do APs and Cameras need to stay in their current location?

Answer: Many of the current AP and camera locations were placed based on the availability of current wiring.  AP placement can be adjusted by the recommended wireless design.  Camera placement can be adjusted to best meet the desired coverage area of the district. 


Question: In some areas it seems that the location might be serviced better by a different camera(s) (such as a multi-view camera or wide-angle lens) to reduce the number of cameras at that location and the number of cable runs.

Answer: We agree with this and will consider this when we make a final contract.  For the sake of the proposal and bids, we will need pricing for drops for all listed cameras.


Question: Where should the service loop on the device and wiring closet ends be placed?

Answer: The service loop for the device end should be placed in the ceiling above the drop or in the closest concealed area.  Service loops above wiring closets should be place in ceiling above. Service loops can created by routing the cable or using extended or figure 8 loops.  Service loops should should be suspended from appropriate sized J-Hooks (or other proper support hook) and loosely bound away from sources of electromagnetic interference.


Question: A 10 foot service loop above the wiring closet seems excessive.  Is this amount really needed?

Answer: As an amendment to the original RFP, the service loop at the wiring closet end may be reduced down to a minimum of 5 feet.


Question: Is it acceptable to submit a bid/proposal with only Category 6 or Category 6a cable and terminations?

Answer: The RFP specifically requests two options (Category 6 and Category 6a).  As an amendment to the original RFP, we will accept bids with only one option (ie. only Category 6 or only Category 6a).  It is still our preference to have both options on the bid.


Question: It is recommended that Category 6a cabling have a separate cable path from existing cabling.  Is a separate cable path a requirement for this proposal?

Answer: As stated in the RFP, it is a requirement that all cable runs pass the appropriate tests for their standard.  If existing cable paths will prevent the cable run from passing this standard, then the cable must be re-routed on a separate pathway.


Question: When testing cable runs, do the runs need tested with patch cables or does only the permanent cabling need tested?

Answer: Only the permanent cabling needs to be tested.


Question: The RFP states the requirement for "stainless steel patch panels".  Is just "steel" patch panels acceptable?

Answer: As an amendment to the original RFP, stainless steel patch panels are not required.  Steel patch panels are the new requirement.


Question: Since the RFP is requesting modular patch panels, are bidders only required to populate panels with keystone jacks for the cables they will be running?

Answer: Yes, bidders are only required to populate modular patch panels with keystone jacks for the cables they are running.  Unused modules can be filled with blank fill-ins.


Question: Could you clarify acceptable "working hours" for the implementation of this project?

Answer:  The RFP states that "work will need to be coordinated around school/class schedules".  To clarify, this means that any work that does not interfere/disrupt normal school operations may be conducted during school hours.  Any work that will interfere/disrupt normal school operations must be scheduled around school/class hours of operation.


Question: Is any extra protection required for lifts on gym floor?

Answer: The district does not hold any special requirements for lifts, but it is expected that bidders take reasonable precautions to protect the floor and understand that they will be held responsible for any damage caused by a lift.


Question: What is the bidder's responsibility for applying firestop.

Answer: The bidder will be required to firestop any new pathways where firestop is required.  They will be responsible for firestopping any previously firestopped locations.  They will not be required to firestop existing pathways that should have been, but had not been firestopped.  The bidder will be required to document all locations they come across where firestop had been neglected to be applied, so that district personnel can go back and apply.


Question: What is the minimum sleeve size for cable ceiling entry into wiring closets?

Answer: 2 inch minimum.


Question: Is it acceptable to run wiring to devices that exceeds the TIA/IEA-586 standards?

Answer: For security cameras only and only if there is no wiring closet close enough to fall within the distance limitations set in the TIA/IEA-586 standards.


Question: Are the steam tunnels at the High School considered by OHSA to be a "confined space"?

Answer: Yes, they are considered by OHSA to be a confined space.


Question: Does the district have a record of locations with Asbestos?

Answer: The district has documentation on areas/items that are suspected to contain asbestos.


Question: Is it permissible in locations with multiple cameras to use a surface jack or termination with greater than two ports (i.e. 1 x 6 port jack instead of 3 x 2 port jacks)?

Answer: Yes, this is permissible in locations with multiple cameras in close proximity.


Question: Is it permissible to locate surface mount jacks above the ceiling?

Answer: In speaking to the local electrical code enforcement officer he stated to use the current electrical specialty code.  He would not get a definitive specific answer other than this.


Question: Can we use different pricing at each school?

Answer: Yes.


Question: How do you want us to itemize Part 1: Cabling Upgrade?

Answer: In modification of the original RFP, we would like pricing for cabling portion of our RFP to be less specific on the price list portion of bids.  For example, break pricing simply to a "Per/Drop" price.  In the body of the bid, bidders should then specify the specifics of those drops (i.e. brands and types of cabling, jacks, patch panels, etc.; labor breakdown.)


Question: Does the district have a scissor lift that bidders may use on this project.

Answer: The district does have a scissor lift that can be made available for this project.


Question: On the cabling part you’ve asked to see pricing for Cat6 and Cat6A.  With the Cat6A option, do you still want 2 cables run to each wireless AP location?  Or would one Cat6A be sufficient compared to two Cat6?

Answer: I would like to go ahead and see pricing for two Cat6A cables, but might reduce this to one in the final contract.


Question: With the cabling part and the Cat6 and Cat6A options, do you want to see the Cat6A option for the camera locations, or just the wireless AP locations?  

Answer: Pricing for both Cat6 and Cat6A would be preferred on both the cameras and wireless AP.  Again, I might end up mixing and matching on any final contract, but I would like to see my options.


Question: The wireless map that was provided shows 53 Ruckus AP’s at LHS, Brick House & Land Lab.  The proposal document it says there are a total of 55 Ruckus AP’s.  Are there additional AP’s at another site not captured on the maps?  Are there Ruckus AP’s at the Justice Center?

Answer: We have two spare Ruckus R710 wireless APs that are included in the total count, but are not currently deployed anywhere.  We do not have any Ruckus AP’s at the Justice Center.


In an addition to our original RFP, we would like to add 2 additional wireless APs (Bidders of Part 2: Wireless Upgrade) and associated wiring (Bidders of Part 1: Cabling Upgrade)to be installed at the "Teen Alternative Center" (626 N 2nd St, Lebanon).  This is a "non-erate eligible" site.  The building can easily be covered by two APs.  The wiring panel and switches are in the basement and there is existing conduit leading up into the attic area.  The building is connected to the district's network via a layer-2 wireless bridge to the District Office.


Question: How many AP licenses do you currently have on your Ruckus ZoneDirector 3000?  How many Ruckus R700 and R710 APs does the district plan to keep if they stay with a Ruckus solution?

Answer: The district has 75 AP licenses on the Ruckus ZoneDirector 3000.  We have 50 x R700 and 5 x R710 Ruckus access points and would plan to reuse all of these if we stick with a Ruckus solution.


Question: Can the school contracts be broken up by a single bidder into separate contracts in order to avoid "prevailing wage" requirements?

Answer: No.


Question: If there locations where placing an AP with the specifications of the RFP, would be overkill for the location (example: only 1 or 2 users using the AP), can a "lesser" AP be specified?

Answer: These places can be marked as "Optional" AP locations.


Question: How close will the district "hold our feet to the fire" on the -65db requirements?

Answer: The district will be reasonable to work with, but will expect good design that limits the number of these locations.