
In order to adapt to the growing number of wireless devices, we have changed the design of our wireless network.  In some cases, this will require wireless devices to be setup to connect to a different wireless network.  Please see changes below and connect devices as appropriate.



Wireless SSID: lcsd-ms

Authentication: Microsoft Username/Password (ie. Firstname DOT LastName)

Uses: Staff Devices(Laptops, Chromebooks, Tablets, Apple Devices, etc. and Staff/Student District owned Windows laptops)


Connecting to this network will connect you as if you were connecting to our network with a wired connection.  It will give you the potential (depending on your device) to access local resources (ie. printing, H and G drive, chromecast/apple tvs).  If you need access to any local resources, we recommend that staff connect to this network.  If your device only needs internet access (ie. Google Apps, any websites), you can just use the wireless network “lcsd-connect” (see below).  

Go to the following link for “lcsd-ms” setup instructions on different devices.

Wireless Device Setup Instructions




SSID: lcsd-connect

Authentication: None

Uses: BYOD devices and Guest Network

Note: This is an open network (no authentication is required).  It is limited to only internet access (ie. Web Sites (including Google Apps, any web-based resource, and iPrint access).




SSID: lcsd-psk

Uses: Used by the tech department to connect devices such as Chromecast and Apple TVs.


SSID: lcsd-chrome

Uses: Used to connect district student chromebooks to wifi (Staff chromebooks initially use this network to connect to login and then get switched over to "lcsd-ms" after login).